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Jaya George


Irresistibility Expert, International Award winning and Best Selling Author, Philosopher, & Scientist


Because I deserve an Irresistible life,  one that I love living!

Harvard University

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Jay was in the first alumni class of Harvard Medical School's Global Health Care Leaders program which selected only 50 applicants from around the world to participate in this visionary program designed to identify and prepare leaders who are on a mission to affect global changes in health and wellness. With her irresistibility programs, she aims to improve health from a new perspective that addresses issues not typically addressed by traditional 

"Irresistibility is centered in your perception of yourself and the perception others have of you..."

Jay is an internationally renowned writer, philosopher, scientist and researcher whose experiences led her to understand that physical manifestations of health, wealth, and success had a great deal to do with mindset and neurologic programming. Jay was born in Lesotho, Africa. At age 2 she moved with her family to Augusta, Georgia. She attended John S. Davidson Fine Arts High School during its’ early years; which was pretty much like an episode out of "Fame" with its' ballet studio in an old car garage and science classes in the offices above it.  But despite its' less than glamorous digs, it was a school that was later recognized in 2004 as the National Grammy Signature School with its top music education program. (Don't worry, after that they got a brand new beautiful building to match all the hard-earned recognition!--too bad it was just as Jay was graduating.) But it was the no handouts, nothing taken for granted environment that showed her what hard work, talent, & real challenge looked like. 

Davidson Fine Arts


This was also the environment that helped to shape a lifelong passion for creative mastery, thinking outside the box, and everyday use of creative strategies for problem solving. She traveled extensively abroad at that time even taking on a musical exchange to Takarazuka, Japan. Seeing different cultures and backgrounds helped her to understand how important environment, familial influences, and cultural influences are to an individual’s behaviors and actions.


Takurazuka, Japan

She also had a love of math and science and was selected for the Governor's Honors Program in the area of Mathematics.  This analytic part of her brain contributed greatly to her later endeavors and interest in neurolinguistic programming, logical thought patterns, and predictive forecasting abilities.

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Disclaimer:  No advice, contents, or products on this website or any materials that originate from MyIrresistible Life , The Musical Find or its  other Associated Entities are meant to be construed as  or to take the place of professional medical advice or treatments.  Our content is solely lifestyle advice oriented and may or may not result in improved health outcomes but all decisions regarding instituting new healthcare practices should be discussed with a person's individual medical provider especially when incorporating new medications, skincare, supplements or health practices to review and discuss potential side effects or conflicts with the individual's health situation.  No person on our staff is dispensing information for this particular entity in the capacity of an official healthcare authority, though some may have other associations or background in the medical field and may act as such elsewhere outside of the practices of this business. Similarly we cannot guarantee financial success or specific financial outcomes as the results are dependent upon application and implementation of the strategies and will vary from individual to individual.  We are not dispensing financial advice in the capacity of any official financial advisor.  Any person who gathers information from our domain has the right to not participate or to not utilize any or all parts of that information and to decide what practices are most beneficial to them and which are not under the advisement of their own individual professional counselors and experts.

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Newport Beach, CA 92660

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